Since the very begin­ning in 1986 when Max Eberle estab­lished and expanded our company in Näfels in the canton of Glarus, we have been an owner-managed family company that today is already in its second gener­a­tion. We employ more than 40 people at our facil­ity, in which we have steadily invested over the years and which is main­tained at the latest state of the art. We export some 90% of our tools to customers in Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia. We are strong believ­ers in Switzer­land as a centre of devel­op­ment and produc­tion, today and in the future.


years of expe­ri­ence with thin-wall applications


profes­sion­als trained


moulds deliv­ered


At Glaro­form we believe: The best posi­tion from which to face the compe­ti­tion is from the top. And you get there faster and more reli­ably with a part­ner at your side. A proven expert who only offers what he masters at the high­est level. With whom the most demand­ing chal­lenges can also be met together. This guar­an­tee of success: It’s us.

  • Made in Switzerland.
  • Made with­out compromise.
  • Moulded for success.

“I’m proud of having built a company that is now already in its second gener­a­tion and look­ing to the future – full of confi­dence and with ambi­tion to make the next leap.”

Max Eberle

Direc­tor & Owner / Sales



“… means for our customers that in us they gain a genuine part­ner at their side. An honest confi­dant who openly and directly states what is rele­vant for success. Our customers can be certain we will offer them good terms. We create real­is­tic win-win situ­a­tions, fair for both our customers and us.”


“… means for our customers that we always act in the inter­ests of their success. We see ourselves as enablers with a strong entre­pre­neur­ial drive. We guar­an­tee our unre­served reli­a­bil­ity and strive to constantly improve our team­work. We mobi­lize all our strengths so that our customers can focus entirely on their strengths, on their core business.”


“… means for our customers that we make every­thing possi­ble that can be made possi­ble. They can rely on our tools being reli­able, long-last­ing perform­ers for them. We look ahead and proac­tively make sugges­tions for improve­ment. We are ambi­tious and exact­ing in our action; after all, we want to set the standards.”


“… means for our customers that we are always cutting-edge in our tech­nolo­gies and meth­ods. We are on constant look-out for new possi­bil­i­ties. We stay active in devel­op­ing new approaches to continue getting better at what we do.”


As a well-meshed team, we strengthen and support each other to always find new solu­tions and avoid the need to compromise.